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Clinical study of gastroenteritis

What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa and intestinal mucosa, caused by food poisoning. Gastroenteritis is a common disease in summer and autumn, frequently-occurring disease. More due to infection caused by bacteria and viruses. Mainly for upper gastrointestinal symptoms and extent of diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, followed by the loss of electrolytes and liquids, are Chinese medicine, "vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea vent" and other illnesses.

Pathological causes of gastroenteritis

Bacterial infections (35%)

The causes of bacteria include: the most common food is infected by bacteria, and then cooked or semi-cooked food, particularly susceptible to bacteria. Staphylococci and Salmonella usually come from people who handle food. Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella are the most common pathogens. Contaminated poultry, meat and fish, can often be found Campylobacter. There are many kinds of E. coli, mostly harmless, but there are several can cause newborn infant acute gastroenteritis, this infection often spread in the nursery.

Virus infection (25%)

Viral infections can also lead to gastroenteritis and enteritis. Rotavirus is the most common pathogen causing diarrhea in children. In addition, can cause gastroenteritis virus and adenovirus, enterovirus, hand, foot and mouth virus and so on. This infection can occur within two days.

Food Infection (20%)

Some plants in the growth process of toxins produced, can also cause gastroenteritis, such as yew, green of the Solanaceae plants, Morning Glory and Aesculus, etc., are toxins, and potato tubers born of Buds are also toxic.

Chemical factors (15%)

Toxic chemicals, such as arsenic, lead and various pesticides. If you take these chemicals, in a few hours to disease.

Disease Infection (5%)

Amebiasis, pear-shaped flagellates and other diseases, can also cause symptoms of gastroenteritis.

Gastrointestinal symptoms and signs

1, systemic symptoms: the symptoms were chronic consumption, looking not to China lack of energy, less gas lazy words, limb weakness, hi temperature cold. Such as acute inflammation, in addition to fever, the visible loss of water, acidosis or shock bleeding performance.

2, gastrointestinal symptoms: often show intermittent abdominal pain, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea-based disease mainly. Case of cold, into the greasy thing, or case of emotional fluctuations, or tired, especially after the. Stool frequency increased, the line several times or dozens of times, anal fall, stool uncomfortable. Acute exacerbation of chronic enteritis, showing high fever, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, stool urgency, such as water or sticky frozen blood.

3, signs: long-term abdominal discomfort or less abdominal pain, physical examination can be seen abdomen, umbilical or less abdominal-based, mild tenderness, hyperthyroidism, rectal prolapse.

Prevention and treatment of gastroenteritis


Point one: eating a regular

Many people in the diet can not control their own, encountered a good meal on the fierce meal, not taste hungry meal, so it is easy to cause gastric peristalsis dysfunction, so that the stomach plexus hyperfunction, promoting gastric juice Of the secretion, over time there will be gastritis or gastric ulcer. Therefore, the diet should be regular quantitative, do not overeating.

Point II: pay attention to food hygiene

When eating, be sure to chew slowly, so that food in the mouth to be fully grinding cut, and mixed with saliva, this can reduce the burden on the stomach, making food easier to digest. In addition, should try to eat less irritating food, not drinking and smoking.

Point three: keep the spirit happy

Whether the stomach health and mental factors have a great relationship. Excessive mental stimulation, such as long-term tension, fear, sadness, depression, etc. can cause dysfunction of the cerebral cortex and promote vagal dysfunction, leading to spasm of the stomach wall spasm contraction, and induce gastritis, gastric ulcer.

Nursing methods

Enteritis recovery period, due to gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestinal pathophysiological changes, this time the intestinal tract is very sensitive to food, therefore, to pay special attention to diet, diet should eat light, soft rotten, warm food, avoid Premature eating fat, fried, hard cold raw food and multi-fiber foods such as celery, leek, garlic and so on. Recovery after 2 to 3 days or so, you can eat according to the normal diet.

Gastroenteritis diet health care

1, the early stages of enteritis, acute intestinal congestion, edema, inflammation and exudation stage, when the peristalsis active or in a spastic state, the digestion and absorption are relatively weak, so, after onset 8 to 12 hours, Patients can eat liquid food, such as rice gruel, lotus root starch, egg batter, fine noodles, braise thin slices and so on. Such as severe diarrhea or sweating more should also be appropriate to the patient drink some soup, such as rice juice, vegetable soup, fruit juice, salt water, etc., to complement the body of water, vitamins and electrolytes.

2, enteritis improvement period, can give patients easy to digest and eat nutrient-rich liquid or semi-liquid food, such as rice, noodles, steamed custard, biscuits and so on. Eat small meals should be used the method of eating 4 to 5 times a day. It should be noted that this time should not drink milk and eat a lot of sugar, because these foods into the intestine easily after the fermentation of a large number of gases, causing abdominal distension and pain, increase pain. In addition, the milk contains more fat, fat, lubricating the intestinal tract, enhance the role of intestinal peristalsis, can increase the burden on the intestine, the disease adverse.

3, enteritis recovery period, due to the gastrointestinal tract, especially intestinal pathophysiological changes, this time on the food is very sensitive to the intestines, therefore, to pay special attention to moderate diet, diet should eat light, soft rotten, warm food , To avoid premature eating fat, fried, cold hard food and multi-fiber foods such as celery, leek, garlic and so on. Recovery after 2 to 3 days or so, you can eat according to the normal diet.


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