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Medical report of diarrhe

Basic introduction to diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common clinical symptoms, can be caused by a variety of diseases. Normal daily defecation 1, the amount of fecal discharge of about 200 ~ 400g. There are a few people every day, although defecation 2 to 3 times, but normal stool, you can not be called diarrhea. Diarrhea generally refers to an increase in the number of stools per day or frequent bowel movements, stool thin or contain mucus pus and blood, or also contains indigestible food and other pathological content. Diarrhea generally divided into acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea two categories, the former refers to the acute onset of diarrhea, which lasted short, while the latter generally refers to diarrhea more than 2 months.

The incidence of diarrhea

1. Gastrointestinal symptoms will be intended frequently, each time not much manure and tenesmus after a sense of those lesions in the rectum or sigmoid colon; small intestine lesions are no more than tenesmus. Abdominal pain in the lower abdomen or left lower abdomen, abdominal pain after defecation can be reduced, often sigmoid colon or rectal lesions. Small intestine disease diarrhea, pain and more in the Cullen, defecation pain relief after more. Secretory diarrhea often without abdominal pain symptoms.

2. The number of diarrhea and stool characteristics Acute diarrhea defecation up to 10 times per day or more, stool and more thin, such as bacterial infection (bacillary dysentery) often with blood and pus. Such as sugar-thin or jam-like feces, suggesting that amebic dysentery may be. Thin water samples are common in food poisoning. Hemorrhagic necrotizing enterocolitis discharge of blood-washed stool, with stench smell.

3. with symptoms

(1) associated with fever can be seen in acute bacillary dysentery, typhoid or paratyphoid fever, intestinal tuberculosis, colon cancer, small intestinal malignant lymphoma, Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis acute exacerbation, sepsis, viral enteritis, Thyroid crisis and so on.

(2) with obvious weight loss can be seen in gastrointestinal malignancies and malabsorption syndrome.

(3) with rash or subcutaneous hemorrhage found in sepsis, typhoid or paratyphoid fever, measles, allergic purpura, pellagra and so on.

(4) with joint pain or swelling seen in Crohn's disease, chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, intestinal tuberculosis, Whipple disease.

(5) with abdominal mass seen in gastrointestinal cancer, intestinal tuberculosis, Crohn's disease and schistosomiasis granulomatosis.

(6) with severe dehydration common secretory diarrhea such as cholera and bacterial food poisoning, can also be found in uremia.

Treatment of diarrhea

As the cause of diarrhea is very complex, so patients with diarrhea should be based on the characteristics of diarrhea and concomitant symptoms, as soon as possible to establish the type of diarrhea, that is, patients with secrete diarrhea, or hyperosmolar diarrhea, diarrhea or malabsorption Motor dysfunction diarrhea; secondly, should also determine whether the patient is acute diarrhea or chronic diarrhea, are essential for guiding treatment. In the treatment should follow the following principles.

1. If diarrhea is a secretory diarrhea, should find the cause of secretory diarrhea as soon as possible, and can not blindly use Diphenoxylate (phenylethylpiperidine) and loperamide and other antidiarrheal agents, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.

2. If the diagnosis of diarrhea is due to liver, biliary or pancreatic dysfunction caused by dysfunction of absorption, in addition to active treatment of the primary disease, may be appropriate to add complex enzyme preparation, commonly used trypsin (every pass), compound pancreas Enzyme tablets 4340 (generous He Shen), etc., to increase the protein, fat and carbohydrate absorption, but also to add a variety of vitamins and trace elements.

3. If diarrhea is suspected because of endocrine disease, when the number of diarrhea and the amount of time and more should be actively looking for a cause at the same time, given intravenous nutrition therapy, supplementation of human serum albumin, amino acids, fat milk, vitamins and electrolytes.

4. If after a variety of checks have been identified because of diarrhea caused by inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) should be given sulfasalazine (SASP) or 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations Treatment, the condition may be combined with prednisone (prednisone), hydrocortisone, dexamethasone or prednisolone (prednisolone) and other drugs for treatment.

5. If a variety of checks to rule out a variety of organic intestinal diseases, patients with diarrhea may be considered due to intestinal motility dysfunction. Patients with mental and psychological disorders, abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort after defecation disappeared or reduced, stool without pus and blood, parasites, culture multiple negative, colonoscopy no abnormalities, and patients in general good, no anemia and weight loss Such as performance, can be diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome (RomeII standard). Can be used pinaverium bromide (dicetel) and other intestinal smooth muscle calcium antagonists to relieve intestinal spasm and restore intestinal function. In addition, hexagonal montmorillonite (Smecta) can also be used to protect the intestinal mucosa, reducing the number of diarrhea. Can also choose to restore the intestinal flora of drugs. For a small number of excessive diarrhea, the appropriate use of loperamide hydrochloride (trade name: easy to stop) and other antidiarrheal agents.

Diarrhea diet care

Diarrhea, severe early fasting to the bowel proper adjustment time, remission edible less greasy, less residue, high protein, high energy, high vitamin semi-liquid food, such as soft and thin oil rice soup, gruel, Tea, fruit juice and so on. Early to eat light rice soup, the mid-better after eating noodles and other liquid foods, these foods are easy to digest and absorb, and contains a large number of the body's electrolytes, but also add calories and vitamins. Eat more meals.

What can not eat?

1, eat sweets: sugar easily because of fermentation and flatulence.

2, to minimize the consumption of vegetables: Many fresh vegetables such as cabbage, leeks, spinach, cabbage, etc. contain nitrite or nitrate, under normal circumstances these vegetables have no adverse effects on the body. However, when the person is in diarrhea, digestive disorders, or gastric acid is too low, the large number of intestinal nitrate-reducing bacteria, when ingested into the vegetables, even if the vegetables are very fresh, can cause poisoning and cause intestinal cyanosis.

3, cold fruit: such as guava, pear, pineapple, carambola, persimmon and other raw fruits.

4, the fried, fried food: meat, eggs, ham, sausage, pickled fat meat.

Prevention of diarrhea

Prevention of acute diarrhea in the summer the best way is to develop good habits, attention to food hygiene and reasonable.

1, acute fasting: acute watery diarrhea required a temporary fasting, so that the intestine completely rest. If necessary, by intravenous infusion to prevent dehydration too much dehydration.

2, light liquid diet: no fasting, early onset should give light liquid diet. Such as protein water, fruit juice, rice soup, thin soup, mainly salty. Early ban milk, sugar and other easy to produce gas liquid diet. Some patients do not adapt to the milk, often after serving milk increased diarrhea.

3, according to the condition to adjust diet: defecation frequency reduction, symptoms remission after low-fat liquid diet, or low fat residue, soft and easy digestion of semi-liquid diet, such as rice porridge, lotus root starch, rotten noodles,

4, dietary choices: diarrhea after the basic stop, can supply low-fat less slag semi-liquid diet or soft food. Small meals, in order to facilitate digestion; such as noodles, porridge, steamed bread, rotten rice, lean meat and so on. Should still be appropriate to limit the crude fiber and more vegetables and fruits, etc., after the gradual transition to the general food.

5, vitamin supplement: pay attention to vitamin B and vitamin C supplement, such as fresh orange juice, fruit juice, tomato juice, vegetable soup.

6, food taboos: alcohol, bogey fat, hard and crude fiber and more vegetables, raw fruits and vegetables, oil and more snacks and cold drinks.


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