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Medical Research on Cysticercosis

Introduction to cysticersos

Cysticersos is also named cysticersos cellulosae. Porcine cysticersos, is the larvae of Taenia solium (cysticersos) parasitic diseases caused by the human body, for the zoonosis parasitic diseases. People infected with tapeworm eggs swallowed. Cysticercus can invade various tissues and organs of the human body, such as subcutaneous tissue, muscle and central nervous system caused by lesions, of which the most serious brain cysticersos, and even life-threatening, great harm.

Pathological causes of cysticersos

The larvae of Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae, commonly known as cysticersos) can cause cysticersos in the human body, while larvae of Taenia solium (cysticerci) do not cause cysticersos. Pigs tapeworm eggs after oral infection in the stomach and small intestine after digestive juice, in particular the role of bile, the egg embryo within the six hook larva (oncosphere) hatched hatch, the blood spread in the body. About 3 weeks larvae developed in the organization to 1 ~ 6mm size, and the emergence of the first section; 9 to 10 weeks when the development of infectious larvae, was round or oval milky white transparent vesicles, containing yellow clear liquid and concave Of the head section, which was white point-like, located on the side. The size and shape of cysticerci vary depending on their parasitic sites. Located in the subcutaneous tissue, especially muscle, grew between the muscle fibers, oval, like a capsule. Cerebral parenchyma cysticercus was round, about the size of soybeans. Intracranial cysticerci also showed a round, diameter up to 3cm or more; in the skull base of the pia mater or intracisternal cysticerci growth is not restricted, its diameter of 3 ~ 6cm, degeneration of the capsule capsule was expanded, Section. As Cysticercus constantly with the direction of cerebrospinal fluid flow, often pedicled with the meninges or ventricles connected.

Cysticercus celluloses can be divided into three types: cysticercus celluloses, cysticercus racemosus and intermediate form cysticercus according to their morphology and size. The three parts of cysticerci, pathological changes and clinical manifestations are different, often limited to cellulose parenchyma or subarachnoid space. In addition to intracranial hypertension can cause obstruction caused by the brain, located in the parenchymal dead area, a small number of patients with cysticersos may be asymptomatic, or mild. Grape-shaped and intermediate type is often located in the skull base of the dangerous parts, resulting in severe progressive inflammatory response, causing skull meningitis, meningeal adhesions due to the fourth ventricle hole plug, causing intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus.

Cysticercaria life of 3 to 10 years, the elderly up to 20 years or more. Fibrosis and calcification after death.

Diagnosis of cysticersos

The clinical type of this disease, the performance of complex, cerebral cysticersos should be associated with primary epilepsy, tuberculous meningitis, cerebrovascular disease, viral encephalitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, neuropathic headache and other phase identification. Subcutaneous nodules should be sebum cysts, multiple neurofibroma, rheumatoid nodules, paragonimiasis subcutaneous nodules and other identification. Eye cysticersos should be with the eye tumor, foreign bodies, uveitis, retinitis and other identification.

Treatment of cysticersos

1. pathogen treatment experiments and clinical studies have shown that praziquantel and albendazole is the main drug of anti-cysticersos for active and part of the degradation of dead cysticerci, the clinical treatment of subcutaneous muscle cysticersos and cysticersos are Have a good effect; inactive and part of the transformation of cysticersos without insect-resistant treatment. Praziquantel to insecticidal effect-based, fast efficacy, short course, but the side effects. Albendazole to affect the normal metabolism of parasites based, ease of efficacy, treatment is slightly longer, less side effects.

(1) praziquantel: the drug has a strong role in killing cysticerci, parasite massive death after the release of allogeneic proteins, causing severe allergic reactions, especially in patients with cerebral cysticersos patients with more reaction, or even brain herniation, life-threatening, It must be hospitalized. The dose and duration of treatment should be based on different clinical types vary. Dermoid cysticersos dose, adult 600mg / time, 3 times / d, 10 days for a course of treatment. Half a month after treatment, subcutaneous nodules gradually reduced in 1 to 2 months disappeared. Pathological examination showed cysticersos in the nodule and degeneration of the cyst wall. Diffuse multiple skin cysticersos, especially cysticercus pseudo-hypertrophy, can be repeated 1 to 2 courses.

(2) albendazole: the drug on the skin type, brain and eye cysticersos have a good effect. Commonly used dose and treatment for the 18mg / (kg · d), 2 times orally, 10 days for a course of treatment. Brain-type patients interval of 2 to 3 weeks, repeat a course of treatment, generally takes 2 to 3 courses. 4 to 6 months after treatment, the average reduction of subcutaneous nodules 96.5% to 99.3%. Brain-type patients were followed up after treatment, clinical symptoms improved or disappeared accounted for 84.57%.

(3) methidazole: the experimental treatment of cysticercus cellulosae showed that its efficacy was significantly better than praziquantel and albendazole, and no significant side effects. May be the treatment of cysticersos the most promising drugs, yet to be expanded clinical validation.

Prevention and treatment of cysticersos

1. Pig Taeniasis patients with this disease is the only source of infection, so the patient's thorough deworming treatment can not only prevent other infections, but also to avoid their own infection, but also the incidence of cysticersos in pigs decreased.

(2) to improve pig breeding, to promote captivity, cut off the transmission between people and pigs.

3. Strengthen publicity and education, and implement prevention, so that people understand the serious dangers of cysticersos and transmission, to develop good eating and drinking habits, do not eat "rice pork" and lettuce, do not drink unboiled water before meals Wash hands.

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