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Check out functions of human alpha defensin 1 in managing the body!

Proteins in human body, acts as anti-microbes at times providing it the required security cover apart from providing it with the required nutrient content. Combined within the human alpha defensin 1 or the neutrophil defensin 1, this is the human protein that is found encoded within DEFA gene in humans. Thus, it can be categorised to be within the antimicrobial peptides family. Coded with protein and found in the lineage of vertebrata, craniata, Mammalia, chordate and primates, this is useful for the body in regards to their antiviral and fungal activities. These activities are primarily directed against, gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Rather, they permeabilize the plasma membrane, and thereby help in ensuring that the microbes are destroyed in the best manner. This protein type can be specifically categorised as the signal or secreted types, and has its existence in the extracellular space. From there it acts on a number of microbes.

Functions associated with Human Defensin Alpha 1:

Being from a family of cytotoxic peptides, that are primarily involved in defending of the host, they are found abundantly in the granules of neutrophils, and epithelial tissues of mucosal surfaces, urinary tract, vagina and respiratory tract. They have specific well conserved cysteine motif that are similar to them in protein sequence, and a number of alpha defensin genes are clustered on the chromosome 8. As per recent tests that have been performed with Human Defensin Alpha 1(DEFα1)ELISA Kit it has been found that people who have a low alpha defensin genes, are more prone to kidney related problems.


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Read:  2016-07-26 14:15:41  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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