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How does Chimerin 1 (CHN1) help in brain signal transferring?

Chimerin 1 (CHN1) has another common name, alpha-1 chimerin. This is actually a protein connected with CHN1 gene. This has important role to play in RAC and GTP proteins and their binding. The roles it plays are connected with brain functions involving signal transfers. In ocular motor axon, this protein has important action to play also.

If a mutation comes to this gene then some cases show the occurrences of Duane’s retraction syndrome. This is where the eyes are unable to move in the right direction. This protein is very important and some physical exercises are very good to have it in control. Taking medicines like Human chimerin 1 (CHN1) ELISA Kit is also helpful.


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Read:  2016-06-28 09:25:14  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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