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Know of the details regarding symptoms and tests of Human coagulation factor 7

Clotting or coagulation of blood is quite a normal factor. However, in certain people, this blood clotting takes more than a certain time period, and also does not happen at all. Under such state of affairs, it is the lack of Human coagulation factor 7 that makes coagulation process longer. Being an enzyme from the serine proteas class, this protein deficiency either causes huge bleeding, or bleeding for a prolonged time period. Either there is lack in production, or some other aspect interferes in this whole process. In certain cases, this excessive bleeding can also occur by means of genitourinary tract, skin, mouth or nose.

As part of this whole research procedure determining causes and effects of this on humans,Human coagulation factor 7(F12) Elisa Kit have been developed that are specifically being used for laboratory research purposes.

Details associated with this factor 7:

In normal cases, blood clotting takes place by means of coagulation process. This factor 7 is an important part of this coagulation process, and its lack in blood can happen due to factors as vitamin K, anticoagulant medicines, as well as liver issues. In case of normal clotting process, there are steps such as constriction of blood vessels to reduce blood flow. This further leads on to formation of platelet plug and is followed by fibrin plug. Finally this fibrin plug is destroyed and wound starts healing. Precautionary treatment is to be taken for this deficiency and intravenous process. Also, Partial thromboplastin time tests and Prothrombin time tests are also used.

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Read:  2016-05-31 10:59:42  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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