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Study showing relationship of super ovulatory response in dairy cows and cow anti-Mullerian hormone

Various cattle show a variation in embryo production rate after superovulation. It is difficult to predict this in cattle. Cow Anti-Mullerian hormone was used to predict superovulatory hormones. In a study conducted by Souza and colleagues, the relationship between the superovulatory response and anti-Mullerian hormone was checked. 
72 Holstein cows were daily milked two times and fed individually. The animals were flushed and synchronized near peak production. The blood samples were also collected at 3 stages of the synchronized oestrous, proestrus and diestrus cycle. The body weights were also measured weekly until the collection of embryo.
Statistical analysis was performed using Proc GLIMMIX and Proc CORR of SAS. The anti-Mullerian hormone samples from individual cows correlated and were not influenced by the cycle day. The anti-Mullerian hormone negatively correlated with the weight loss from the time of calving to the embryo collection.
Anti-Mullerian hormone showed high association with superovulation response and total transferable embryos. A two fold difference in the first and fourth month of anti-Mullerian hormone in superovulation response was observed when the cows were classified in two quartiles. The study concluded that the circulating concentrations of anti-Mullerian hormone are highly associated with the superovulation response and it can also aid in identifying the cows with higher response to superstimulation. This in result can help in improving the efficiency of the superovulation programs conducted for dairy cows. 
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Read:  2016-02-23 10:27:28  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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