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New study reveals about no association of Anti-Mullerian hormone with female fertility

Anti-Mullerian hormone encoded by the gene AMH inhibits the development of Mullerian ducts in male embryo. The Anti-Mullerian receptors are expressed in both female and male foetuses and are activated by SOX9 in the sertoli cells of the males. The expression of Anti-Mullerian hormone is very important in sex differentiation at a particular stage during foetal development. 
 Anti-Mullerian levels are also used in assessment of fertility. It is thought to provide a guide to the ovarian reserves and helps in identification if the female requires going for freezing of eggs. A high level of Anti-Mullerian indicated and correlated to natural fertility in women.
Recently, a study has shown that there is no association of Anti-Mullerian hormone levels and fertility of women. The study conducted by Zarek and colleagues published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism show that the findings did not support the known association between Anti-Mullerian hormone levels and fertility.
In females with the history of one or two loss of pregnancies the levels of anti-Mullerian hormone was not linked with fecundability without assisted conception. 1202 women between the age of 18 to 40 years and having a prior history of one or two loss of pregnancies were included in the study to check the effect of Anti-Mullerian hormone upon fecundability. These women were actively trying for pregnancy.
The results showed no relation between the Anti-Mullerian hormone levels and the fecundability in these women. Thus, it can be understood that Anti-Mullerian hormone do not have any use for counselling during preconception in fecund women. Further, studies are needed towards this direction on understanding the relationship.
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Read:  2016-02-23 10:17:04  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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